
Fair Districts PA provides timely updates to keep supporters and the press up to date. To find out what the press is reporting check out our “Media Highlights page”.

Peoples Maps

The People’s Maps: Seeking Feedback!

Introducing the People’s Maps: Fair Districts PA submissions to the Legislative Reapportionment Commission (LRC). These maps were created with input from people across Pennsylvania. We’re inviting public feedback on our final drafts and we ask the Legislative Reapportionment Commission (LRC) to consider these districts, to match our metrics and invite community feedback before their own maps are finalized.

How Your Written Testimony Makes a Difference

When you’re unable to get to a hearing for oral testimony, your written testimony can make an impact on how maps in PA are drawn for the next 10 years. Here’s what you can do.

Mapping toward Racial Equity

Pennsylvania’s Black and Brown populations have been growing steadily across the past decades, but representation in the PA General Assembly has not kept pace.

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Why We Work on Prison Gerrymandering

Fair Districts PA Chair Carol Kuniholm spoke at a recent press conference on prison gerrymandering, explaining the need to count incarcerated persons in their own communities and urging the Legislative Reapportionment Commission to take action. Her comments are below.

PA Prison Gerrymandering

Frequently asked questions in preparation for the 2021 redistricting process in Pennsylvania.

Hearings and Public Testimony

To find out when the two state government committees and the one commission are meeting to discuss redistricting, a PA voter must follow four different websites. In our attempt to keep ourselves and PA voters informed, we will be using this landing page to collect what we know about all the various hearings.