Fair Districts PA provides timely updates to keep supporters and the press up to date. To find out what the press is reporting check out our “Media Highlights page”.
Get ready for redistricting! Ten $1000 prizes will be given for the top PA house and senate district plans (five in each category) that meet criteria proposed in LACRA (the Legislative and Congressional Redistricting Act, HB 22/SB 222).
On June 22, the Senate State Government Committee met briefly to vote on three bills, in a meeting announced with less than 24 hours notice. Senate Bill 222 was one of those bills.
On May 26, Carol Kuniholm and Pat Beaty of Fair Districts PA gave testimony on congressional redistricting criteria to the PA Senate State Government committee. View hearing agenda and recording here. Read full FDPA testimony below.
We are asking the Legislative Reapportionment Commission to apply LACRA transparency to restore trust and ensure a fair, transparent redistricting process. We sent this letter to Chairman Nordenberg and cc’d the legislative members of the commission.
Between April 24 and May 1, Fair Districts PA and the League of Women Voters PA held events across the commonwealth to make it clear: now is the time to put transparency and accountability into the redistricting process.
When the Census Bureau counts people every ten years, people in prison are counted as part of the electoral districts where they are incarcerated, rather than in their home communities. This distorts representation at local and state levels, giving prison districts undeserved strength in the state legislature and reducing the influence of communities whose populations are most impacted by incarceration.