Write a Letter to the Editor

Help get the word out by submitting a letter or op-ed to your local newspaper.

Every piece of media coverage helps new people hear about Fair Districts PA. You can help by contributing your voice to your community’s publications.

Tips for an effective letter or op-ed

You’ll be most likely to get published if your letter is:

For samples: check the FDPA Media Highlights page

Pennsylvania publications

Below is a list of major Pennsylvania newspapers and how to submit a letter or op-ed.

Western Pennsylvania

Allegheny Times

Beaver County Times

Butler Eagle

DuBois Courier-Express

Erie Times-News

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Somerset Daily American

Sharon Herald

Uniontown Herald-Standard

Washington Observer-Reporter

Central Pennsylvania

Altoona Mirror

Carlisle Sentinel

Dubois Courier Express

Gettysburg Times

Harrisburg Patriot-News/PennLive

Huntingdon Daily News

Lebanon Daily News

Lock Haven Express

State College Centre Daily Times

Sunbury Daily Item

Williamsport Sun Gazette

York Daily Record

Eastern Pennsylvania

Allentown Morning Call

Berks Mont News

Bucks County Herald

Citizens Voice

Delaware County Daily Times

Easton Express-Times/LehighValleyLive

The Intelligencer

Lancaster Intelligencer-Journal

METRO Philadelphia

Philadelphia Inquirer

Philadelphia Tribune

Philly News

Pocono Record

Pottstown Mercury

Reading Eagle

Scranton Times-Tribune

Stroudsburg Pocono Record

Wilkes-Barre Citizens’ Voice

Wilkes-Barre Times-Leader