Help get the word out by submitting a letter or op-ed to your local newspaper.
Every piece of media coverage helps new people hear about Fair Districts PA. You can help by contributing your voice to your community’s publications.
Letter to the editor: Short, often in response to a recent article in the publication.
Opinion, op-ed or guest column: A little longer, expressing an opinion or viewpoint on a timely topic, often from an expert or organizational leader, sometimes speaking on behalf of a group or organization.
Tips for an effective letter or op-ed
You’ll be most likely to get published if your letter is:
Brief: Stay within the word limit and follow all submission guidelines. Most letters are about 200 words, and op-eds are about 600 to 800 words.
Timely: Start by connecting the issue with current events.
Personal: Share a story about how the issue affects you and those around you.
Focused: Choose one central idea and stick to it.
Clear: Use simple language and sentences, and avoid jargon. Clearly explain ideas and persuade readers—don’t show off vocabulary.
Readable: Use short paragraphs (2-4 sentences). This makes the text easier to read, whether it’s in newsprint or on a phone screen.
Unifying: Think about the views of people who might disagree with you. Look for and highlight common ground.
Persuasive: Make it clear why the reader should care about the issue, and provide evidence. Consider potential counterarguments, and briefly acknowledge and refute them.
Actionable: End your letter with a call to action: “Learn more at” or “Write your state legislator to support this bill.”