More constitutional amendments we need to oppose
On May 25th, the Senate State Government Committee voted five bills out of committee in less than 14 minutes.
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On May 25th, the Senate State Government Committee voted five bills out of committee in less than 14 minutes.
Join us to help with our Fix Harrisburg campaign over the summer!
We gathered with six other organizational leaders to demand changes to the PA General Assembly procedural rules seeking to #FixHarrisburg.
PA now has finalized district maps for Congress and PA Senate and House.
Just days after the February 18 hearing, the PA Supreme Court chose one of 13 submitted maps on February 13: the Carter plan, submitted by a group of initial petitioners.
On Monday, February 7, Commonwealth Court Judge McCullough recommended adoption of House Bill 2146, the map proposed and amended by Representative Seth Grove and vetoed by Governor Wolf.
The Legislative Reapportionment Commission voted today on new PA House and Senate maps.
PA Legislative leaders are celebrating their purported “citizens’ map” and demanding Governor Wolf sign it.
There are two PA House bills to amend the state constitution — which means there is no gubernatorial veto — that may come up for votes within the next week. These amendments would seriously damage our state’s democracy.
Fair Districts PA announces support for the proposed maps of Governor Wolf and Draw The Lines. Today the Senate State Government Committee meets to vote on a Congressional Map.