Polling Place Outreach Reaches Thousands of Voters
PA Voters want an Independent Redistricting Commission
Fair Districts PA provides timely updates to keep supporters and the press up to date. To find out what the press is reporting check out our “Media Highlights page”.
PA Voters want an Independent Redistricting Commission
It’s time to help build support for a Pennsylvania Independent Redistricting Commission.
Prime sponsors say “It’s time to get started” and “Gerrymandering - no matter who does it - is WRONG.”
It’s time to start advocating for House Bill 1776, a PA constitutional amendment to create an independent redistricting commission.
PA college students: Join us to spread the word about redistricting reform this summer as a part-time, PAID, non-partisan intern - anywhere in PA.
Fair Districts PA volunteers have prepared a third report on legislative activity in Harrisburg, covering the first 12 months of the current two-year session.
We all have limits on our time and competing priorities for our attention. Social media offers a way to expand the reach of Fair Districts PA from home with just a few minutes a day.
Pennsylvania earned a C+ on the community redistricting report card created by CHARGE.
The Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission Petition is Back!
Volunteers and team leaders from Fair Districts PA gathered in Harrisburg on October 3 to introduce a new report on the progress of the Pennsylvania state legislature in the current legislative session.