Be a Census Influencer!
Census Day is April 1, 2020. That’s not the day the census starts, but when you respond to the census, you tell the Census Bureau where you live as of April 1.
Fair Districts PA provides timely updates to keep supporters and the press up to date. To find out what the press is reporting check out our “Media Highlights page”.
Census Day is April 1, 2020. That’s not the day the census starts, but when you respond to the census, you tell the Census Bureau where you live as of April 1.
Over 600 registered, and more than 800 were expected, for a very large Rally to End Gerrymandering in Harrisburg on March 23.
We sometimes hear “legislators are required to draw district lines.”
Do they?
PA house and senate districts are drawn by the LRC: the Legislative Reapportionment Commission.
Fair Districts PA Chair Carol Kuniholm is writing a letter a week to all PA legislators, and we are publishing those letters here. Please read Carol’s letter and then take a moment to write one of your own to your state representative and senator. For contact information, click here
On January 31 Senate Bills 1022 and 1023 were introduced and referred to the Senate State Government Committee.
Fair Districts PA began in January 2016 with a handful of organizations and a few volunteers.
The conference kicked off with announcing commitments from Senators Tom Killion and Lisa Boscola to introduce PA Senate versions of House Bills 22 and 23.
YES, Voters care about fair districts and are willing to sign a petition in support.
A just-released Franklin & Marshall College survey of registered voters shows overwhelming support for an independent citizens commission.