Fair Districts PA provides timely updates to keep supporters and the press up to date. To find out what the press is reporting check out our “Media Highlights page”.
On Tuesday, June 12 on the Senate floor, SB 22 was cynically hijacked by majority leaders. The Senate was meeting to discuss and vote on amendments to SB 22. Two amendments passed: one that strengthened SB 22 and increased its bipartisan appeal, and one that turned SB 22 into a deeply partisan poison pill - or a Trojan Horse, depending on one’s perspective.
I am writing in response to criticism of Senate Bill 22 by Keystone Progress, the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center and others. We are sorry to see any advocate organization come out against a bill that is still a work in progress and is likely the best avenue toward reform of our current very partisan redistricting process.
In recent weeks representatives of Fair Districts PA, along with leaders of allied advocate organizations, took part in extensive conversations regarding the Folmer amendment to Senate Bill 22, which would amend the state Constitution to create an independent citizens redistricting commission.
On April 24, the Senate State Government Committee held a second hearing on redistricting reform, facilitated by Majority Chair Mike Folmer and Minority Chair Anthony Williams.
Fair Districts PA supporters and allies packed the capitol rotunda on April 16 to show strong public support for an independent redistricting commission.
On April 11, 2018, the House State Government Committee held a voting meeting on HB 722. An amendment was proposed that guts HB 722 and gives even more power to legislators. It passed.