Indiana County

Local Leader: Sid Reger and Stanley Chepaitis

Welcome to Fair Districts PA of Indiana County. We’re a group of volunteers united around helping our friends, neighbors, and local elected officials understand how the current redistricting process is bad for every voter, regardless of party.

Gerrymandering hurts Indiana County

Gerrymandering has had a negative effect on several industries: small business, farming, mining, and education—all of which drive our local economy in Indiana County. But we can also play a pivotal role in the campaign to stop it.

Our primary goal is to educate the community on this issue, so we can come together to inform our elected officials and gain their support for this nonpartisan cause.

Get involved

Attend an upcoming event to learn more about the impact of gerrymandering on our community. Right now, you’ll often find us:

Join our Facebook group to be part of the discussion and see how you can help.

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