
SW Regional February Meeting

Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 | 7:00pm-8:00pm

Venue Information

Event Type

Regional Meeting

Event Description

Come join your friends and neighbors for a Zoom meeting on Tuesday, February 18th from 7 to 8 PM. The bills for an Independent Redistricting Commission now have numbers, HB 31 and SB 131, and several co-sponsors. A summary of the legislation is available here.

Now is the time for us to start enlisting more volunteers, contacting legislators to set up meetings, planning for tabling events, postcard parties, and Letters to the Editor. We know that each of you has different interests and skills. If you complete this Volunteer Interest Form we’ll be able to match your interests to FDPA’s needs.

Please come to the meeting so we can share ideas and plans about the best ways for us to move forward to create an Independent Redistricting Commission.

Click here to sign up to receive the zoom link.


Maureen Grosheider