
Safeguarding Democracy Through Redistricting Reform

Wednesday, March 31st, 2021 | 7:00pm

Venue Information

Event Type


Local Group Affiliation

Event Description

Congregation Keneseth Israel is hosting a public education Zoom program on reforming Pennsylvania’s redistricting process. Fair Districts PA speaker Terry Schettini will explain PA’s current redistricting process, demonstrate how it undermines democracy, and offer a solution to the problem.

In addition,Terry will demonstrate how popular bipartisan legislation to end legislative gerrymandering has thus far been blocked by unfair procedural rules while a vote on partisan legislation to create judicial districts for our high courts is threatening to erode the independence of our judicial system. Suggestions for how individuals and groups can advocate for change will be provided.

Fair Districts PA is a non-partisan coalition of citizens and organizations seeking to reform PA redistricting rules by ensuring that the process is impartial, transparent, and accountable.

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