
Redistricting Town Hall with California Redistricting Commissioners

Thursday, May 24th, 2018 | 6:30pm
Pittsburgh, PA

Venue Information

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
616 N. Highland Ave
Pittsburgh, PA

Event Type


Local Group Affiliation

Event Description

Common Cause PA is hosting a town hall with three members of California’s Independent Redistricting Commission.  The California process has been a major success, resulting in increased voter turnout and opening the doors to more competitive elections and less-partisan politicians from both parties. The resultant bipartisan cooperation and data-driven solutions have been an important factor in the state’s robust economic performance.  Join us to hear the commissioners share their experiences. They’ll discuss how the commission was created, how the commissioners  worked toward consensus on maps and the outcome of the process, with ample time for questions.

The commissioners will be joined by Micah Sims, Executive Director of Common Cause PA.

Admission is free and all are welcome.


Kitsy McNulty